The Golfing Machine’s Authorized Instructors worldwide are well respected for their mechanical prowess and observation skills. Many “Top 100 Teachers” and numerous state and regional award-winners are part of our organization. As a golf professional, you will benefit from our classes in the following ways:

  • Access to the most thorough and accurate Professional Golf Instruction system, based on Homer Kelley’s “The Golfing Machine”
  • Understanding and application of this world-renowned teaching system, based on basic geometry and simple physics
  • Unparalleled golf stroke assessment skills acquired through training in precision swing mechanics
  • Superior mechanical teaching skills, based on an infinite number of component combinations all aligned to build better golf strokes
  • Knowledge and credibility to answer students’ questions and cut through the clutter of misinformation about the golf stroke
  • Increased student enrollment and retention in lessons, clinics and golf schools
  • Enhanced understanding and performance of your own golf swing

In addition, our exclusive Authorized Instructor program offers students who have completed TGM Level II, and each successive class, additional benefits for an annual fee, including:

  • Membership in the worldwide network of Authorized Instructors
  • Access and usage of the appropriate designation (GSEB, GSEM, GSED)
  • Listing on The Golfing Machine website
  • Ability to continue your education through advanced coursework and continuing education classes
  • Additional information through “Authorized Instructors Only” section of The Golfing Machine website
  • Invitation to the Annual Teaching Summit
  • Participation in networking opportunities with other Authorized Instructors
  • Performance Workshops for your students
  • Discounts on merchandise including “The Golfing Machine” book and teaching aids
  • Access to The Golfing Machine teaching staff to answer your instructional questions

To learn more, Contact Us or call toll-free 877-647-GOLF (4653). Outside the U.S. Call +1- 503-641-0290.